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Cannabis Consulting: What Is It?

Attempting to enter an industry without any background or understanding of what is needed can allow your prospects to fail before they truly start. There are cannabis consultants who have undergone this path and know what is needed to be successful. Not all licenses for cannabis are readily available, and you have to compete with other prospects to gain the license.

Why Hire An Outside Consulting Team?

When it comes to entering the cannabis industry, it is essential to take advantage of cannabis consulting so that you do not miss any steps. Attempting to win a license for cannabis in your area and then setting up shop is easier to do with an outside consulting team who has seen all sides of the industry. These are able to take a look at your local market and help you build a successful cannabis business.

What is a GAAA in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, growers are allowed to grow marijuana after applying with the GAAA application. This tiered licensing in the state is related to how much acreage each grower has on their own and outlines a specific pricing table for the cannabis that is grown and sold within the state.

What states use Metrc?

One of the best resources available to control and assist with a large supply chain in the cannabis industry is Metrc. They can transport cannabis safely and are utilized by many states for growing cannabis. Below are the states currently in a contract with Metrc.

Metrc has nearly half of the states as a partner in their cannabis supply chain. The District of Columbia is also utilizing Metrc and Guam internationally.

Tips for Choosing a Cannabis Consultant

Now that you are ready to move forward with a cannabis consultant, there are a few things to remember before hiring one of the available industry experts.

1. Local Familiarity

While they may have experience in the cannabis industry, make sure they are familiar with your local area and the regulations surrounding your state and neighboring states that you may be looking to sell in as your business grows.

2. Do They Meet Your Needs and Goals?

Cannabis consultants can have different experiences in different areas of this industry, so you should hire a consultant who understands what you want to do and where you want to take your business. If you are looking to purchase cannabis supplies and open a storefront, you need a consultant that is in expert in that area, not in growing.

3. Read the Reviews

Past client experiences can differ in whether or not you pursue a working relationship with a consultant. Check out their website, their reviews from past clients, and the success of the cannabis companies that have used them in the recent past. You need to assess their background and ensure they are the experts they claim to be before hiring.

4. Ask About Their Plan

When you meet with a cannabis consultant, you need to know their plan for your business and how they plan to help you succeed. Those that can be trusted will be transparent and help you understand how they plan to grow your business. If they are unwilling to meet and get a background on you and your goals, they do not have a strong enough interest.

5. Avoid Equity and Request Information on the Competition

As a consultant, they may have a personal interest in one or more cannabis businesses in direct competition with your company. Because of this, you do not want to pay with equity and have a conflict of interest later on. A good cannabis consultant with help you understand who your largest competition is in your market and how you can stay in business successfully.

At Cannabis Ninja, we offer the most accurate resources and information when seeking Cannabis products, services, and events worldwide.

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